Friday, November 7, 2008

Club Penguin Newspaper Ninja Message!

Hello again penguins!
Here is a newspaper cheat I found just now.
To do this Ninja message cheat, go to page A2 of the newspaper.
Click on the letters that form the word NINJA one by one.

To translate, it says:
"fire, water, snow
the triangle of power
your journey's first step"

Cool! Maybe Club Penguin is really introducing to us Ninjas!
I hope we can be ninjas too!

Yellpe, President, YAICPC, YAICPC Team


Anonymous said...

i want to see ninjas!


Yellpe said...

clayne said...

i want to see ninjas!



Me too! I think they're cool!
How 'bout you?
Thanks again for all your support!!

Yellpe, President, YAICPC, YAICPC Team